29 December 2006

Who ya gonna call?... HoaxBusters!

Along with greeting cards, for some reason, the holiday really seems to invite masses of chain letters and email forwards. Unfortunately (or is it forunate???), most of these forwarded messages are hoaxes.

Wikipedia defines a HOAX as an attempt to trick an audience into believing that something false is real.

How do you recognize a hoax? What do you do about them? And, what is the history of internet hoaxes?

Well, these are all questions that can be answered by visiting:
HoaxBusters!At HoaxBusters.ciac.org, you can search for hoaxes and chain letters by catagories or key words before continuing to forward false information on to others. If you consider everyone that receives a hoax, the risk and cost of hoaxes can be very high.
So, let's work together and stop them in their tracks!


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