24 April 2007

I'm so mechanical!

My new/old dryer has not been working for some time now. Finally, yesterday, my friend Robbie helped me remove the heating element. I took it to the appliance store, ordered the replacement part, and picked up the new part today. I reassembled the entire thing, plugged it in, and voila! It heated up again. YAY!

Something you may not know about me:
When I was a kid, I used to take our family phone apart and put it back together again. I loved pulling all the wires and parts out of the receiver, taking them all apart, and then fitting it all back together again. That was fun.

Had a pretty productive day today...


At 7:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

That's hilarious! Did you ever try reversing the parts so that the part you speak into was on top and the listening end was on the bottom? I bet your parents appreciated your inquisitive streak. Heheh.


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