09 March 2006

Less than a week to go...

As you can see, I'm already on tournament schedule. I leave for the Valley Forge Super Billiards Expo (one of my favorite events of the year) on Wednesday with Chris Byrne (my cue sponsor). It's so weird. I've never had someone just do stuff for me for nothing before. Well, unless they love me. But, this whole "sponsor" concept is very new to me. Don't get me wrong, it's very exciting, but still very foreign. I really lucked out! Chris is incredibly generous and supportive.

Well, when I woke up the other morning, my headache had finally gone away. However, I think I may be getting sick again (ssshhhh... don't tell my mom). Last night, we went to see Shawn Mullins in concert. He hasn't released a solo album in a few years (well, not a good one, at least). It was awesome!!! However, living in Colorado, even though it was 70 degrees on Tuesday, it snowed yesterday and was very cold. So, I think the exposure may have worsened my condition. Well, I don't know. Is that possible? My mom always warned me that it could happen and to stay warm and cover my face & head (especialy when I'm sick)... I'm such a disobedient daughter.

Well, I've been practicing during the day this week vs. my regular 10pm-3am. It's only 3 bucks to practice from noon to 5pm. There's a place in town (30 miles from me, unfortunately) that has the Diamond Smart Tables. These are the tables the tournament will be played on next week. Coincidentally, they are also the same tables I recently won the BCA 9ball event on. These are, in mine and many others' opinions, by far, THE best playing bar table out there. We have a 9 foot Diamond in Vail and it plays just like a miniature version of it. I'm a bit biased. Anyway, it was good to be back with my good friend the Smart Table again. It's so smart...

Speaking (typing) of which, I should hop in the shower and start getting ready to go.


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