I just flew in and boy are my arms tired!
Okay. Just kidding. I didn't fly anywhere. Well, I will be flying back to MN on Wednesday morning, but my arms are tired from all the leaf-blowing yesterday. I had no idea it was such a production!Since I have the biggest tree on the block and believe at least 70% of everyone else's leaves are from my tree, I really needed to do something with my leaves before I leave again (haha). So, I stopped by Lud's next door to see if I could borrow his leaf-suck'em-upper / mulcher thing. Unfortunately, he wasn't home. So, I grabbed my trusty rake and began doin' it the ol' fashioned way. That is, until Jeff, from two houses down, noticed and offered me his leaf blower.
I walked over to his garage to get it. He started it up for me and having never used (or probably seen, for that matter) one before, I was afraid to turn it off in fear that I wouldn't know how to turn it back on. So, I walk back to my house with this (what feels like) 60 pound leaf blower blasting everything in site from his house to mine.
Initially, I had no idea what the secret was. Do I start in the front? Work my way to the back? Make piles and work in layers??? I dunno. I think I was creating a bigger mess than I started with. Leaves were flying everywhere.
Eventually, I pushed most of them to one half of the yard and after almost taking a break, I didn't give up. I just sucked it up and kept blowing. About an hour later, I was done. My fingertips were tingly and numb all at the same time and today my forearms and left bicep are pretty sore. I'm just glad it's all done...
Blowers can't be choosers???...
Oh well, until next time...... zzzzzzzzzz......
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