17 December 2007

I'm Damaged Goods

I'd like to thank everyone for your recent concern and support in response to the "Expectations = Disappointment" post. Though I meant every word of it, I didn't mean to alarm anyone. I'm fine. I was sad, obviously, at the time that I posted it but possibly more annoyed than anything.

I don't know what the answers are. Does anyone really???

The last thing in the world I was looking for this summer was for another relationship. I was on the road to recovery and I was perfectly content traveling it alone. That is, until, SMACK! I was blindsided! It truly took a very special person to make me even remotely consider getting involved again. I was completely swept off my feet.

Since then, it's been better than I ever could've imagined, but it definitely hasn't been an easy journey for either of us. Learning about one another has it's ups and downs. And, it hasn't helped that I've been dragging my feet all the way, putting his finger on the trigger, just looking for reasons to pull it.

It takes a truly understanding, patient man to deal with my fears of feeling hurt again, the anxiety of not knowing what's to come, and the scars that were left behind.

The bottom line is: I'm damaged goods. The partner is a dream-come-true, but the timing could definitely be better. I don't know what the answers are. Can timing be overcome? If everything else is so right, will that trump the scars and baggage left behind???

Please forgive my melodramatic ponderings. The holidays bring it out of me.


At 5:02 PM , Blogger Michael McCafferty said...

Please do not sell yourself short.
You and NOT damaged goods!
You are a first class product, getting better every day, and just recently available for a limited period of time, only to an understanding and appreciative partner.


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