15 May 2008

I can't believe I've been in town now for over a week and have still yet to make my way to the PF store. Bugga! Sally and I did manage to get to to the Sephora store yesterday though, FINALLY!

Mike and I also made our way to our favorite special sushi getaway. It's late night and it's ALWAYS fresh! My most favorite secret (well, not-so-secret now) sushi place EVER!
Our sushi chefs, Carlos & Iida (pronounced "EEEE-da").
We ordered:
2 spicy scallop handrolls
yellowtail sashimi jalapeno dish
salmon tartar w/ kizame wasabi creme friache (mmmm...)
2 uni nigiri
spicy california roll
special roll: shrimp / avocado / tuna
special roll: spicy scallop (inside) / salmon / avocado (outside)
spicy tuna handroll

Get outta town! It was the greatest sushi feast EVER!!! I would've taken some photos but that would've delayed the food getting into my belly.

Here's a food pic for you though. This one's the dessert plate (pay no attention to the extra oysters on the half shell) from the Hilton buffet. Someone gave us a 2-for-1 coupon while we were standing in line. Sweet! That's the buffet where I found a partially formed pearl in my oyster a couple years ago.

While I was piling all these sweets on, some guy said to me, "You can only fit so much on that plate." To which I responded, "Oh. I'd better get another plate then, huh?"

It's been pretty cool this year. Haven't made it to the pool once. I'm too busy working.

02 May 2008

Random Airport Tangents

Wow! Today was the latest I've ever boarded a flight!

You know it's not a good sign when you're passing the crew on your way to the plane and they ask, "Are you Sammantha?" Yeah. I was the last on the plane. I hate that!

After missing the 5:07a.m. SkyRide bus at the Park-n-Ride which would've put me at the airport by 5:21, I had to wait around almost half an hour for the 5:35 which didn't get me there until 5:49 for my 6:30 flight to MSP. Yikes! I'm just thankful my bags made it.

I almost made that danged bus too. They were just boarding bus when I pulled into the parking lot. I dumped my bags and found a spot. I ran my tail off just to see it speeding away. I know they saw me. Oh well. It was probably full anyway. That's what I get for staying up all night (minus the one hour nap from 2:30 to 3:30).

So, you know you fly a lot when you are remembered by TSA staff. In December, also on my way to MSP to visit Mike, I remember my carry-ons getting searched because I had brought these two snow globe soap things for his nieces for xmas and he told me snow globes were not permitted (probably because of the liquid rule) but let me go when I explained they were actually soap.

I remembered him because he sounded like he was from New Zealand but when I asked him he said he was from California. I also remember this because I rarely ask people where they're from. This stems from the countless number of times that that's been the first question out of someone's mouth when meeting me. Yeah, before "What's your name?" or "How are you?" or even "Come here often?" It's either "Are you Korean?" or "Where 'you from?" (to which I like to respond, "Denver" because that really gets their panties in a bunch). The more PC attempts of "Where are your parents from?" or "What's your heritage (or nationality)?" are quite amusing as well.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud to be Vietnam-born Chinese, but when it's the first thing someone wants to know about me, like it defines who I am, and usually to the style of a trivia, guess-the-Asian game, it can be annoying and depending on the asker, sometimes even offensive.

So, believe me, I'm quite sensitive to that question. If I asked him anything it would've been "Where's your accent from?" because I recall finding it odd when he responded, "Does it sound like I have an accent? Where does it sound like it's from?" followed by, "Are these snow globes?"

So, maybe he too was tired of dumb people playing guess-the-accent and has fun just saying "California." Okay, TSA guy, you got me!

Maybe I should start saying I'm from Portugal or Bosnia or....???

Next tangent - Is there anyone out there that does NOT sleep on a 6:30 flight?

Also, I made bison soft tacos tonight, sub spinach for lettuce and provolone for cheddar. It was a fun little experiment.

We'll spend most of the day tomorrow packing to hit the road early Monday morning to head back to Denver, only for a day, before we leave for Vegas. Sweet!

01 May 2008

How funny is this???

And I thought the weather was bad today?!....
So, fine! It snowed today. It snowed huge, fluffy, blizzarding masses of snow after being 85 degrees yesterday. But that's typical Colorado weather.

What's not so typical is receiving an email from someone complimenting you on your game and attaching photos of someone they THINK IS YOU!!!
This is the blog where I don't have to be as p.c. Mike likes to call me "sweet and salty." Well, here's a little saltiness for ya: WTH?!??? Who does that?!??? I don't look anything like this girl! ESPECIALLY NOT MECHANICALLY!!! What?!?? Because we're both Asian, we MUST be the same person?!?! What a jack-tard! HAHA!

And what does this email even mean?!???
"I saw you playing at Rac em [misspelled "Rack 'Em" by the way] on a Wednesday. I was impressed with your play so when I saw your business card as I was leaving I took one. After looking at your web site I noticed that you didn't have a lot of pictures of you playing pool or of you at all for that matter. I have enclosed a few pics I have taken and I am offering my services as an amateur photographer. Please don't get me wrong I am not trying to barter any free stuff from you or your web site, if you are interested we can discuss my fee later. I hope you like the pictures I am sending. I can do black and white or color. If you already have a photographer I understand. I've always believed, it never hurts to ask."
Yes! I would like to negotiate a fee for you to take photos of not-me please! That's pretty bad.

[.......deep breath after laughing hysterically.......]

Okay. I'm done venting now. On to a brighter note. Today was Dining out for Life day and though it was slow, it was still fun. Here was my dining out contribution:Gotta get back to packing. My flight leaves for MN in 7 hours. YAY! Mike and I will drive back here to my place early Sunday morning, finish packing all day Monday, and hit the road for Vegas early Tuesday morning. YAY!